한국무역협회와 산업통상자원부, 한국경제신문에서 선정하는 ‘한국을 빛낸 무역인‘ 에 원텍 김종원 회장님께서 선정되셨습니다. 이 상은 우수한 수출성과를 거둔 중소·중견기업 CEO를 선정해 시상하는 것으로, 국가경제발전에 크게 이바지하셨음을 방증하는 결과입니다.
Wontech Chairman Kim Jong-won was selected as a 'trader who made Korea shine' by the Korea International Trade Association, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, and the Korea Economic Daily.
This award is given to CEOs of small and medium-sized companies that have achieved excellent performance, and is a result of remembering that they have contributed greatly to the development of the national economy.
한국무역협회와 산업통상자원부, 한국경제신문에서 선정하는 ‘한국을 빛낸 무역인‘ 에 원텍 김종원 회장님께서 선정되셨습니다. 이 상은 우수한 수출성과를 거둔 중소·중견기업 CEO를 선정해 시상하는 것으로, 국가경제발전에 크게 이바지하셨음을 방증하는 결과입니다.
Wontech Chairman Kim Jong-won was selected as a 'trader who made Korea shine' by the Korea International Trade Association, the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, and the Korea Economic Daily.
This award is given to CEOs of small and medium-sized companies that have achieved excellent performance, and is a result of remembering that they have contributed greatly to the development of the national economy.